

by Benny Sin
exclusive to The Dish


I was watching the TV at home, flipping back and forth between WWF Smackdown and the Laker game. Anyways, as I was watching, I noticed the referee acting ignorant and making ridiculous calls, and the commentator was going crazy. The heels were given unfair treatment and the face was getting screwed. I thought Undertaker was gonna make a run in soon and clean house, but then I realized... I was watching the NBA. not WWF.

 The Twolves outplayed the Lakers almost the entire game, Kobe was shooting horribly again, 10 for 28. I knew the Lakers were gonna make a comeback in the 4th because they always do. I remember the Twolves had a 8 points lead with about 5 miins left in the game, I went to the bathroom to take a piss, I came back Lakers cut the deficit to only 3. It was a good game, KG finally stepping up and taking the responsibility of a superstar. But then it happened, David Stern a.k.a. Vince McMahon started screwing everything. In a page right out of WWF's book, the refs proceeded to blatantly cheat for the Lakers. First Kevin Garnett picks up 3 fouls in the span of 3 mins, some were fair calls, so that was tolerable. But then late in the game, the Lakers were down by 5 with under a minute to go, the Lakers were done. I thought the Twolves would win for sure, but then Kobe hits a three pointer, and the whistle blows. I was like wtf? Turns out the ref called a foul on Wally S. on Kobe.! People in LA went crazy, of course. Replays were shown, and it shows that Wally did not even touch Kobe. People in LA don't care, they cheer anyways. Kobe sinks the free throw, cutting the deficit to 1.

"KG fouls out, I could just feel Vince McMahon laughing in the background and yelling, "YOU'RE FIREEEEEEEED, KEVIN".  

The Twolves then took out the ball and Troy Hudson was tripped by a Laker, no call, T'wolves call time out. During the timeout, I thought as long as the Twolves would make their free throws, they would win. Because there was only like 10 seconds left on the clock and Lakers were still down one, they had no choice but to foul. So finally Twolves take out the ball again, Wally catches the ball and immediately gets called for stepping out of bounds. Replays show that Wally was held and shoved by Fox, clearly showing Fox grabbing Wally's jersey. Again, people in LA don't care, they cheer. Rick Fox cheers like he just made a great play, when in reality, he made a dirty play. Kobe then gets the ball, drives and takes a shot, a foul is called on Nesterovich, even though he stood still! and had his arms straight up in the air. Kobe makes one of two free throws to tie the game. Game goes into OT.

I have no faith in the Twolves, I'm not a Twolves fan, I thought for sure they would lose in OT because the Lakers are clutch and and Twolves ain't. A few seconds into OT, KG fouls out on a ridiculous call. It was the kind of call that you make at the beginning of a regular season game, not in OT of a crucial playoff game. KG fouls out, I could just feel Vince McMahon laughing in the background and yelling "YOU'RE FIREEEEEEEED, KEVIN". At that point, I got sick and tired of the refs blatantly cheating and I threw my remote to the ground. i'm not a fan of the T'wolves, and i honestly don't think they can knock off the Lakers in a best of 7, but the cheating was just too much. The T'wolves earned that win. A few mins later, Pargo goes for a layup and Wally contests it, again a foul was called. Replays show again that Wally does not even touch Pargo at all. At that point, even the commentators were saying how ridiculous the refs were. Nobody in the world thought the Twolves ! had a shot in hell of winning this game. KG, their best player, was gone. The refs were on the Laker's side. But Troy Hudson, Anthony Peeler and Gary Trent gave probably one of the best performance by role players in playoffs history. Taking it right at the Lakers and actually keeping the game close. In the end, after some LACK OF CLUTCH-NESS at the free throw line by kobe, shaq and the Lakers.. the Twolves calmly outshot them at the free throw line and won the game. This is truly a markout moment for all basketball the fans out there. The Twolves overcame ridiculous ref, blatant cheating and won the game without their best player in Overtime on the Laker's homecourt.

Speaking of the Lakers, they should be ashamed of themselves. they had all the help in the world, and they still couldn't win the game. Kobe and Shaq got outplayed in the clutch by Troy Hudson and Anthony Peeler......

After the game, I logged onto ESPN.com, Sportingnews.com, and NBA.com and every website posted an article about the ridiculous calls. I then turned on the TV and watched Fox Sports West's recap of the Laker game, not surprisingly, they didn't mention or showed clips of any of the bad calls, totally ignoring the fact that KG fouled out. That's exactly why I never watch Kcal9 and Fox sports West broadcast of NBA games, because they're so damn biased. How can FSW be so unprofessional? How can they totally leave out clips of Kobe's three, Pargo's layup, Wally's out of bounds, and Kg's sixth foul? What kind of biased shit is that?

I still expect the Lakers to beat the Wolves, because they're the better team, I don't think the spurs have a shot in hell of beating the Lakers, so it will be Kings/Lakers in the West Finals. I think the Kings are definitely the better team, but I don't know... the 1-2-3 punch of the three refs are a hard team to beat. The Kings have more then enough talent to outplay Kobe/Shaq.... so I'm not worried about that, but the refs..... too much to overcome. Maybe Stone Cold will make a run in and hit one of the refs with a chair.




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